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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 23, Issue 5, pp. 1439-1816

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Image Processing for Numerical Approximations of Conservation Laws: Nonlinear Anisotropic Artificial Dissipation

Thorsten Grahs, Andreas Meister, and Thomas Sonar

pp. 1439-1455

Third Order Accurate Large-Particle Finite Volume Method on Unstructured Triangular Meshes

Song-He Song and Mao-Zhang Chen

pp. 1456-1463

Hybrid Curve Point Distribution Algorithms

Ahmed Khamayseh and Andrew Kuprat

pp. 1464-1484

Multidimensional Least Squares Fluctuation Distribution Schemes with Adaptive Mesh Movement for Steady Hyperbolic Equations

M. J. Baines, S. J. Leary, and M. E. Hubbard

pp. 1485-1502

Least Squares Residuals and Minimal Residual Methods

J. Liesen, M. Rozlozník, and Z. Strakos

pp. 1503-1525

A Semi-Lagrangian Semi-Implicit Numerical Method for Models of the Urine Concentrating Mechanism

Anita T. Layton and Harold E. Layton

pp. 1526-1548

Fast Evaluation of Radial Basis Functions: Methods for Generalized Multiquadrics in $\RR^\protectn$

J. B. Cherrie, R. K. Beatson, and G. N. Newsam

pp. 1549-1571

An Algebraic Multilevel Multigraph Algorithm

Randolph E. Bank and R. Kent Smith

pp. 1572-1592

A Robust and Efficient Linearization Scheme for Doubly Nonlinear and Degenerate Parabolic Problems Arising in Flow in Porous Media

Marián Slodicka

pp. 1593-1614

Computation of the Shallow Water Equations Using the Unified Coordinates

W. H. Hui and S. Koudriakov

pp. 1615-1654

A Particle-Partition of Unity Method--Part II: Efficient Cover Construction and Reliable Integration

Michael Griebel and Marc Alexander Schweitzer

pp. 1655-1682

Navier--Stokes Equations in Rotation Form: A Robust Multigrid Solver for the Velocity Problem

Maxim A. Olshanskii and Arnold Reusken

pp. 1683-1706

Optimal Two-Dimensional Finite Difference Grids Providing Superconvergence

Nail K. Yamaleev

pp. 1707-1730

The Convergence of Spectral and Finite Difference Methods for Initial-Boundary Value Problems

Natasha Flyer and Paul N. Swarztrauber

pp. 1731-1751

Decoupling Three-Dimensional Mixed Problems Using Divergence-Free Finite Elements

Robert Scheichl

pp. 1752-1776

Adaptive Error Control for Steady State Solutions of Inviscid Flow

Lars Ferm and Per Lötstedt

pp. 1777-1798

Minimizing the Profile of a Symmetric Matrix

William W. Hager

pp. 1799-1816